In the dog-eat-dog world of work these days, crafting a strong professional brand for yourself is so key. 

With a bazillion qualified peeps gunning for the same gigs, you have to make yourself stand out and show off what makes you unique. 

Whether you're just starting or trying to level up in your career, putting in the time to shape your professional image development seriously pays off. 

From how you come across online to how you act in person, every little thing you do sends a message about you. 

In this article, I want to share some real-deal tips to help you build a personal brand that's compelling yet still real. 

You'll pick up strategies for figuring out your strengths, spotting your audience, honing your message, and managing both your online presence and how you come across IRL. 

Alright, let's get to this. 

Know Your Strengths and Values

Alright, step one is getting clear on your skills and values. What gets you fired up? 

What things come naturally to you? What do you pride yourself on professionally and want to be known for? 

Maybe you're a creative type who thrives on cooking up fresh ideas. Or perhaps you're a natural leader who geeks out on rallying the troops. 

Or maybe an analytical brainiac who loves cracking complex problems. Defining your core strengths allows you to build an authentic personal brand around them.

Identify Your Target Audience

Moving on, you have to be crystal clear on who you want to reach. Do your homework on your industry and pinpoint key ‘influencers' you'd kill to work with someday. 

Find role models whose careers you admire and stalk. I mean follow them to see what they're about. Get inside the heads of the hiring managers at companies you're eying and learn what they look for in rising stars like you. 

The more intel you gather on your target audience, the better you can fine-tune your brand to land with them.

Craft Your Message

Now you're ready to craft your actual message. Put together a personal values elevator pitch highlighting your biggest accomplishments and superpowers. 

Craft a short bio for your online profiles that plays up your expertise. Pick profile pics and graphics that align with the image you want a project for.

You see, every bit of your messaging should tie back to conveying your unique values and strengths.

Optimize Your Online Presence

When building your online presence, optimize each profile to showcase your authentic brand. For instance, lead with your best self on LinkedIn, share insider knowledge on Twitter, and give a peek behind the curtain on Facebook. 

And don't neglect the visuals—update your headshots, banners, and graphics to align with the vibe you're putting out there. 

I'd advise you to Google yourself occasionally to monitor your reputation online.

Mind Your In-Person Interactions

Your real-world interactions are branding opportunities too. At networking events, be ready to concisely explain how you help people. 

In interviews, have stories locked and loaded that show off desired traits. 

Around colleagues, consciously exhibit the qualities you want to be known for—things like being proactive, positive, decisive, and a leader. 

Consistency is key.

Some other authentic personal branding dos and don'ts for you:


  • Be Real. Back up any claims with evidence 
  • Be open for constructive feedback 
  • Show genuine interest in others, show that you care


  • Stretch the truth on skills or experience
  • Talk about previous gigs or bosses
  • Make it all about you


Alright, I think we've covered a lot. 

Crafting an authentic personal brand takes self-awareness, strategy, and consistency. 

But it can also be a total game changer for your career. 

By playing up your strengths, tailoring your message, and aligning all your touchpoints, you'll stand out from the confused crowd. 

Be purposeful but also stay genuine. Do you get the point? Take these tips and run with them.